Nikki Tolt is one of the most capable and resourceful mediators I know. She is outstanding.
Craig Staub, Esq.
Littler Mendelson

Once again, thank you ever so much for your hard work and many hours you invested to bring these matters to a successful conclusion. Rarely have I ever had the privilege of working with a mediator who is so knowledgeable, hard working, and determined as you, and it is precisely these qualities which obviously enable you to be so effective and successful.
James P. Collins, Esq.
James P. Collins & Associates

Nikki did a fantastic job as a mediator for us, because she knew how to read the participants, when to push, when not to push, and when to deviate from her original plan. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Anne Richardson, Esq.
Hadsell Stormer Keeny Richardson & Renick, LLP

Nikki Tolt, Esq.

2008 DJ Top Neutral
2012 DJ Top Neutral
Act Mediation, Inc.
4670 W. Imperial Hwy.
Hawthorne, CA. 90304
(310) 888-8200 Phone
(310) 285-0048 Fax

For Scheduling Requests Please Email:
